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Highways England - will soon be carrying out work along the A14 between junctions 40 to 47

23 April 2019

Dear Sir / Madam
Reference: A14 J40-47
I am writing to introduce Graham Construction Ltd as the principal contractor working on behalf of Highways England. We will soon be carrying out several separate schemes along the A14 between junctions 40 to 47 which includes vegetation clearance, renewing road signs, carriageway repairs, the installation of vehicle restraint systems and the replacement of road markings and studs.  
Works will begin at the end of May 2019 and are due to last until early September 2019. We will continue to keep you informed of each individual scheme as work progresses and advise you of any changes to our programme or traffic management if required. A further letter with greater detail setting out our upcoming works and diversion routes in your vicinity will be delivered in advance of the scheme starting.  
Whilst we appreciate that disruption on any scale is not ideal, we will be working between the hours of 8pm and 6am to help minimise this.
If you have any questions in relation to this letter, please feel free to contact us via the Highways England Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000, or by emailing HEWorks@graham.co.uk
Yours sincerely
Jonathan Wright
Stakeholder & Communications Officer GRAHAM Construction Email: Jonathan.Wright@graham.co.uk

Read more on Highways England - will soon be carrying out work along the A14 between junctions 40 to 47

A140 Norwich Road - Road Stud Removal, Resurfacing and Road Repairs – April 2019

1 April 2019

A140 Norwich Road, Stonham Aspal – Angel Hill, Stonham – Norwich Road, Earl Stonham & Creeting St Mary - Road Stud Removal, Resurfacing and Road Repairs – April 2019
We will be carrying out various works along the A140 southbound from the junction with the A1120 Stonham Aspal to the junction with the A14. The programme of works includes:
• Removal of road studs along the entire extent of the A140 carriageway southbound from the junction with the A1120 to the A14 • Road resurfacing in the middle section of the site for approximately 1100 meters southbound from just above the access road to Whitegate Farm to just above the start of the dual carriageway • Various kerbing and gully repairs  • Pothole repair  
This work is necessary to improve the condition of the road and to prepare for surface dressing at a later date.
The work is planned to be carried out overnight in the period between Wednesday 3rd April and Thursday 11th April 2019 during the hours of 8pm and 6am, excluding Saturday and Sunday night. The times and dates of the works may change depending on the weather conditions. If they do change, we will let you know by updating the information signs on site.  
Once works are in progress the road below will be closed to through traffic.   
Norwich Road, Stonham Aspal – Full length of road Angel Hill, Earl Stonham – Full length of road Norwich Road, Earl Stonham – Full length of road Norwich Road, Creeting St Mary – Full length of road
Pedestrian access to properties and businesses will be available. However vehicular access may be restricted even where off road parking is available. During the working times above, access will be controlled by staff on site. Please speak to one of our staff who will provide access as soon as it is safe to do so. Access for emergency services will be maintained at all times
During the period of the closure, traffic will be diverted via:
Northbound: A140, A14, A1120 Southbound: A1120, A14
These temporary traffic management measures are required to allow the works to be carried out safely and in accordance with current health and safety guidelines.    Please see the information over the page for more details of how access to your property will be affected by the works, as well as other frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions about the work, please call us on 0345 606 6171.                               
Our ref: A140 Stonham Date: 26 March 2019 Enquiries to: Customer Services Tel: 0345 606 6171   
Once we have completed the works, it would be helpful if you could take a few moments to complete a short survey at www.suffolk.gov.uk/suffolk-highways-survey. Your answers will help us improve our service in the future.  
Yours faithfully
Suffolk Highways
Frequently asked questions:
You have said that my road will be closed. Will I still be able to get in and out of my property? Yes, the majority of the time you will be able to gain access on foot. When the road is closed, staff on site will be able to make sure that you can get through safely. However, the nature of the work may prevent vehicular access during this time.  If we are working directly outside your property, we will do everything we can to make sure that you still get in when you want to. However, if, for example we are digging up the road or path right outside your property, there may be periods of around 15-20 minutes when you may temporarily not be able to get in or out.   What about access for other services including emergency services?  We notify the emergency services, local bus operators and councils for bin collections. If an emergency vehicle needs to get in, access would immediately be made available.  
I run a business – how will people know if it is open? We know its important customers are aware businesses are open, so where appropriate we will put up notices or display signs saying ‘Businesses open as usual’.
Will the works be noisy?  The nature of roadworks and the equipment that we use, means that works can be noisy. We will do everything we can to keep noise to the minimum possible.   
Will works definitely start on the date in your letter? We plan roadworks in advance, so to take into account bad weather or other delays, we give dates that cover the range of days that we could be on site (with a few extra days planned in just in case). If we need to make major changes to the dates of works, we will let you know and update the information boards on sites.  
Why is there a long diversion in place?  When we close a road and put a diversion in place, it needs to be a route that can be accessed by all shapes and sizes of vehicles. We make the diversion as clear as possible, but people may choose to use other local roads.  
The works have finished. Why have signs and barriers been left behind? Sometimes we need to leave sites with barriers around them so that new surfaces can finish drying off. Often our teams are scheduled to collect the signs at a later date. Occasionally we may leave signs behind by mistake, so if you do see them more than two weeks after we have finished give us a call and we will come and collect them.  
Tel: 0345 606 6171                           Report it: www.suffolk.gov.uk/report-a-highways-problem

Read more on A140 Norwich Road - Road Stud Removal, Resurfacing and Road Repairs – April 2019

Stonham Parva - Parish Clerk Vacancy

30 March 2019

Applications are invited to the post of PARISH CLERK Stonham Parva Parish Council.

Read more on Stonham Parva - Parish Clerk Vacancy

Faster Broadband for Stonham Parva

5 February 2019

fibreBetter Broadband for Suffolk in conjunction with Openreach has now provided a Broadband upgrade for some parts of Stonham Parva.

Read more on Faster Broadband for Stonham Parva

Carol Service 2017

6 December 2017

Carols by Candlelight at 4pm  Saturday 16th December Stonham Parva St Mary’s Church. 

Read more on Carol Service 2017

Suffolk Fostering Service launches first in a series of fostering recruitment campaigns

21 November 2017

Suffolk Fostering Service launches first in a series of fostering recruitment campaigns
Suffolk County Council’s Fostering Service will launch a series of campaigns over the coming months to encourage more Suffolk residents to become foster carers. 820 children currently live in care in Suffolk and there is an urgent need for more people to come forward to foster. Suffolk Fostering Service is the longest established provider of fostering services in the county, offering competitive fees, 24-hour support services and up to 21 days paid leave per year. Teenagers in care have often gone through a great deal in their lives and this campaign aims to give an honest reflection of what it takes to be a foster carer and the rewards that can come as a result. The campaign is accompanied by a new promotional video providing an insight into what it takes to be a foster carer for teenagers and the positive difference they make to a young person’s life. The video addresses why the application process can be timely and thorough, describing how the vulnerability of the children in care makes the timeframe absolutely necessary. It also makes clear that the robustness and intensity of the process is equally there to benefit and protect the prospective foster carer, ensuring that they are fully prepared and certain of the commitment they are making. Suffolk residents are being asked to consider whether they have the patience, compassion and the spare room required to provide a child with the secure home life they need. Please visit www.fosterandadopt.suffolk.gov.uk

Read more on Suffolk Fostering Service launches first in a series of fostering recruitment campaigns

Reminder to check white goods as Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service marks UK Home Safety Week

21 November 2017

People in Suffolk are being urged to check their white goods and to not use them unattended in an attempt to reduce the risk of fires starting in the home. As part of UK Home Safety Week, fire services up and down the country are recommending people register their appliances in case of recalls, but to also be aware that incidents can occur when a product isn’t on a recall list. Damage and severity of a fire, should one occur, is dramatically reduced if they are not left running while everyone is asleep or out of the house. Early indicators of potential risks can be quickly noticed, such as smells, unusual sounds or the appliance not performing as expected. People are also being urged to check their smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, and making sure they know how they will exit their home if a fire does occur. In 2015/16, more than 15,000 accidental fires in the home were caused by cookers and white goods across the UK. In 2016/17 in Suffolk, there were 29 incidents caused by white goods – to date in 2017/18, there have been 11. Suffolk Trading Standards are also informing people of the campaign, reminding them to regularly check the recalled list of domestic appliances, and to follow their weekly product recall campaign, #CheckItTuesday on Twitter. We would urge people to register their appliances at www.registermyappliance.org.uk This online safety initiative, which is supported by fire services and government represents nearly 90% of white goods brands and allows people to register appliances new and up to 12 years old so if there’s a safety recall they can be contacted.

Read more on Reminder to check white goods as Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service marks UK Home Safety Week