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Mid Suffolk Bin Collection

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1 December 2016

Mid Suffolk bin collection schedual for 2016/2017 now available.

Waste Disposal

10 November 2016

Police Vehicle security event - Stowmarket - 10am-2pm Sat 12 Nov at Tesco Superstore, Cedars Link Road IP14 5BE. All welcome to attend - advice on bicycle security & Immobilise also available. Further info pls call 101.

1st November 2016

10TH ANNIVERSARY YEAR Stonham Theatre Guild

Presents   Beauty and the Beast     By Warren McWilliams     By Arrangement with Lazy Bee Scripts








Bar Available Evening Performances ONLY


11 August 2016

Come and meet Suffolk Constabulary's Chife Constable Gareth Wilson and and Police and Crime Commissioner Tim Passmore on their tour of Suffolk. They will be in town centres across the county to talk directly to people about the policing service they receive. The mobile police station will be open on each date between 11am and 2pm.

  • Friday 5 August Lowestoft London Road North
  • Tuesday 9 August Newmarket Outside the Guineas Shopping Centre
  • Thursday 11 August Stowmarket Meadow Centre near Costa Coffee Market Hill  
  • Wednesday 31 August Bury St Edmunds The Arc Shopping Centre
  • Thursday 1 September Woodbridge The Thoroughfare

21 July 2016

A new planning application has been received in respect of the proposed holiday lodges as the rear of the Magpie Pub. Please see planning application available from here.   The Parish Council will be expressing it objection to the holiday lodges moving from temporary holiday accommodation to permanent accommodation. Villagers are encouraged to input their own views to the planning application.    

22 December 2015

Please find enclosed information regarding the West Suffolk Operation Hub.   The attachments give details of planned drop in sessions and also the Public Meeting to be held in January 2016 and all are welcome.

Press Release Public Consultation Plan sets out next steps for WSOH

WSOH letter to parish councils and interest groups  

9 December 2015

The MSDC refuse colluction dates for Christmas and the New Year 2015/16 and the 2016 timetable have been publised.

See INFOMATION and WASTE DISPOSAL (or click on link).

Christmas and New Year

6  December 2015

COUNTRY   CAROLS AT STONHAM PARVA CHURCH,  SATURDAY 12TH DECEMBER 2015 AT 4 P.M.  DRESS UP WARM AND BRING A TORCH!  (there is no heating or electricity in the church)

26 September 2015

New Meningitis  vaccination programme launched - This month, SCC’s Public Health team are welcoming the start of the new MenACWY vaccination programme that will offer teenagers protection against meningitis (inflammation of the brain) and septicaemia (blood poisoning) caused by four meningococcal strains including MenW. GPs will be inviting all teenagers aged 17 and 18 (born between 01 September 1996 and 31 August 1997) for the vaccine. It’s important that anyone who plans to go to university this year gets vaccinated before they leave. This group is at increased risk of getting meningococcal disease some of whom may unknowingly carry the meningococcal bacteria. As well as MenW, the vaccination also protects against other forms of the disease — meningococcal disease types A, C and Y. Cases of MenW have been increasing year-on-year in the U.K., from 22 cases in 2009 to 117 in 2014.

Energy Efficiency Grants and Loans - Landlords and homeowners across Babergh and Mid Suffolk are being urged to take advantage of grants and loans that could improve their properties. The Districts run a grant scheme that funds landlords up to 50 per cent of the total cost to provide upgraded heating systems and insulation in tenanted homes. Grants of up to £5,000 are available for home owners to help them bring their properties up to the ‘Decent Homes Standard’. For further information and application advice, please call Private Sector Housing on 01473 826639

Suffolk Skills Show 2015 - The Suffolk Skills Show will take place at Trinity Park on 21st October 2015 and will provide a great opportunity for businesses to showcase their work, the people they employ and what they are looking for in future employees. The young people attending will be looking for career inspiration, information and a wide range of hands-on experiences to help inspire them to explore skills, further education and apprenticeships, there will also be education providers and careers guidance helping them to gain advice on how to take the next step. The inaugural event in 2014 attracted over 44 schools and recorded over 3,500 people through the gates. In total, 91 organisations exhibited on over 100 stands, split into zones to reflect the economic diversity and growth sectors of Suffolk. The show will see a range of training providers and employers discuss apprenticeships, training, college, university courses and employment opportunities. The Suffolk Skills show is a fantastic opportunity for both local businesses and young people in our area. It is an ideal chance for employers to speak with the next generation of workers, giving them a clear picture of the skill set required to obtain the work they want. For younger people, it will help them as they consider which area of work interests them and what practical steps they can put in place now to get on the pathway to employment. More Information is available at www.suffolkskillsshow.com

Syrian Refugee Crisis -The Local Government Association (LGA) has said that it expects an announcement by Government shortly on how the scheme for settling Syrian refugees will operate and be funded, and when refugees will begin to arrive in the UK. In the meantime, we will be collating the numerous generous offers of accommodation for the refugees made by the public. For the many other offers such as clothing, books and toiletries, people will be directed to the local and national charities which are offering support to refugees already in the UK. - Following the recent announcement by the Prime Minister that 20,000 Syrian refugees will be resettled in the UK by 2020, Babergh and Mid Suffolk Councils are working with County Council colleagues on making preparations to assist with the crisis. This will be a multi-agency response, from housing, education, social care, emergency planning and any other relevant agencies.